Tax law continues to proliferate, changes upon changes, pages upon pages in an already massive tax code. Puthoff & Company routinely, business day to business day, wades into the tall grass, making sense of difficult laws and regulations. We’re with you through it all. First, last and always we’ll protect your interests. We’ll seek out new opportunities. We’ll help you plan for tax-related consequences, both short and long term. Together, we’ll find a way.
Puthoff & Company will assess your current financial goals. Our intent: to help you make decisions regarding your assets that will lead to financial freedom, to the achievement of your business goals and your personal ambitions. We’ll monitor your overall financial health, recommending new ideas and strategies. Planning for your retirement will be top of mind throughout.
As we look ahead to your estate, we’ll address the “what ifs”, all the variables to be anticipated, all the decisions leading to an equitable distribution of your wealth, exactly as you intended. We’ll be minimizing the tax burden on your heirs. And we’ll make certain that your values – transcending money – ensure your family’s future and include those causes, those charities close to your heart.
The future belongs to those who plan for it. Kindly allow Puthoff & Company to be your guide.
This annual chore confronting American taxpayers shows no signs of lessening in its intensity, in the scope and reach of its multitude of rules and regulations, deadline, penalties and demands.
All of us at Puthoff & Company will be primed, informed, aggressive, and ready to go at the end of your business year-end. We will have reviewed, and mastered, the inevitable changes for the coming tax season. And we will proceed through the preparation of both your federal and your state returns with vigor and insight. Of course, many of our clients operate in states far from Kansas, and even there – perhaps especially there – we will lift this detail-heavy burden from you and your in-house financial staff.
Take control of your business' federal tax preparation. Our unique insight allows us to to prepare your federal tax return accurately and efficiently.
When it comes to state taxes, our knowledge of Kansas' ever changing tax code is second to none. From Puthoff & Co, you'll receive worry free tax preparation.
Starting with an analysis of your operation, continuing with a review of your current financial documents, we seek to locate and control your tax liabilities now and in the future. You’ll be served by knowledgeable people who understand the unique tax obligations, the specific opportunities endemic to your industry. Our clients in agribusiness, construction, manufacturing, banking, and numerous other businesses take particular confidence in our industry-specific understanding of tax consequences.
Naturally, Puthoff & Company has compiled all the technical resources for the monitoring of evolving tax regulations and new tax legislation, federal and state. More importantly, we’ll quickly come to know your business, its operations and objectives, along its potential liability to taxes of every sort.
We’ll minimize liability by remaining in a year-round process committed to your financial well-being.
Contact us now for complete peace of mind concerning your business’ finances.
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